How to live with diabetes

How to live with diabetes

Better welfare does not necessary mean better health. We are living in times that we can afford not to have a disciplined daily routine, we don’t need to do a lot of physical work and a large variety of food is available in the supermarkets throughout the year. We...
Who am I? – The story that it all starts with

Who am I? – The story that it all starts with

Before Yoga, there was Samkhya. The Philosophy that answers a lot, but only leaves a few questions. The below story is pure fiction. Let it shine a light on you! And there was Light. It was just light. It could not move, it could not learn, it was not alive. It could...
Why breathing exercise is a part of Yoga

Why breathing exercise is a part of Yoga

“By whom the breathing has been controlled, by him the activities of the mind also have been controlled; and conversely by whom the activities of the mind have been controlled, by him the breathing also has been controlled.” – From ‘Hatha Yoga...
Healthy living according to Ayurveda

Healthy living according to Ayurveda

Today’s day Ayurveda is mainly known for detoxicating health treatments, herbal medicines, supplements and care products. The actual goal of Ayurveda however, is that you stay healthy so that you do not need any treatment or medicines. For the healthcare special...