by Richard Slager | Oct 23, 2021 | Yoga as a Way of Life
A constant metabolism takes place in our body. Daily exercise is recommended, but this increases the metabolism. Good nutrition is essential for this. ...
by Richard Slager | Jun 12, 2021 | Yoga as a Way of Life
Better welfare does not necessary mean better health. We are living in times that we can afford not to have a disciplined daily routine, we don’t need to do a lot of physical work and a large variety of food is available in the supermarkets throughout the year. We...
by Richard Slager | Feb 21, 2021 | Yoga as a Way of Life
Today’s day Ayurveda is mainly known for detoxicating health treatments, herbal medicines, supplements and care products. The actual goal of Ayurveda however, is that you stay healthy so that you do not need any treatment or medicines. For the healthcare special...
by Richard Slager | Feb 9, 2021 | Yoga as a Way of Life
For those who remember, the winters were quite cold and could last long in Europe. Global warming has had an effect on our climate making the winters shorter and less cold. Now that people all around the world are suddenly behaving differently it seems to have an...
by Richard Slager | Aug 11, 2020 | Yoga as a Way of Life
Much is said about staying healthy. Not only in challanging times, but always. While scientists are busy inventing cures and vaccines it is our own responsibilty to stay in good health so our body can fight any virus that might try to invade our body. Immune System...