It is estimated that 80%of the overall general population has experienced lower back pain more than once in their lives.
It is more common than we tend to think. Usually, this is due to high stress projected over the lower back and reduced capacity of the muscles to bear it. The reason for these backaches could potentially be due to muscle and/or ligament strain, bulging/ruptured/slip discs, arthritis, skeletal abnormalities, osteoporosis, and many more.
Yoga for Lower Back problems
One of the most quintessential yoga asana for relieving back problems is Bhujangasana. This is also known as the cobra pose in Hatha Yoga. Its actually reclining back-bending pose derived from the resemblance to cobra with its hood raised. It is one of the steps performed in the 12-step sun salutation also known as ‘suryanamaskar’. Its also known as an upward facing dog pose.
You can watch the youtube video below for instructions and details on performing this asana. It is very important to perform the asana correctly so as to assimilate maximum advantage.
Health Benefits
- Enhances strength and flexibility to the entire back and shoulders
- Provides firmness and strength to pelvis and butt muscles.
- Stretches and widens the chest, lungs, shoulders, and abdomen
- Relives stress and fatigue.
- Helps in aligning the back correctly anatomically.
- Stimulates blood circulation in the abdominal region.
- Improves low-grade sciatica.
- Helps patients suffering from asthma.
- Helps in balancing weight by rectifying metabolism.
This pose is highly contraindicated in patients suffering from
- Back injuries and fractures.
- Hernia
- Carpal Tunnel syndrome.
- Migraine.
- Severe hypertension.
- Pregnancy
The preparatory pose before this asana are :
- Setu Bandh Sarvangasana
- Urdha Mukh Schvanasana
Effects of Bhujangasana on Doshas
It stabilizes and balances doshas subtypes on the thoracoabdominal area. The Udana Vayu, Prana Vayu, Vyana Vayu, Sadhaka Pitta, and Avalamba Pitta gets balanced. It improves the circulation of blood to all parts of the body mainly by enhancing heart function. This stretch intends to open up the lungs and heart and along with the stimulation of the Anahata chakra.
It also helps in balancing Pachaka Pitta and Samana Vayu. These are present in the gut. This asana aids in digestion and enhances immunity inevitably. It stimulates digestive organs along with activating Manipura Chakra.
It also helps in improving Apana Vayu by stimulating Swadhishtana Chakra hence optimizing urinary and reproductive organs too.
Effects of this asana on Dhatus
Gives strength to Asthi Dhatu by strengthening the entire vertebral column. This helps in increasing the stress-bearing capacity of the back which is very helpful.
Helps to shed excess Meda by toning muscles around the abdominal area. Enhancement of agni helps to set the body in the proper circadian rhythm which ignites overall metabolism.
Strengthens the Mamsa Dhatu by increasing the tonicity of the muscles. Holding asanas for longer periods of time especially contributes to improving muscle tone.
Chakra Impacts
Helps in balancing the below-given chakra
- Swadhistana Chakra
- Manipura Chakra
- Anahata Chakra
- Vishuddha Chakra
This asana shall strengthen your lower and back and increase its capacity to bear stress henceforth. A healthy back is imperative for free movement of the entire body. Yoga aims to solve body problems by ideas of health optimization completely.
‘Yoga teaches you how to listen to your body’
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