

  “Stillness is the altar of spirit.” ― Paramhansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi. The word ‘Yoga’ comes from Sanskrit root ‘yuj’ which primarily means ‘concentration’. Its other meanings include union. joining. Therefore...

What is Asana?

Asana in Sanskrit translates to being seated or actually sit. Asana forms the foundation of our Yoga ideology ranging from headstands to rubber bodies in the air. But actually asana forms the limbs of yoga and its techniques pass on to the gateway into the Ashtanga...
What is yoga?

What is yoga?

The first thing that always came to my mind when I thought about yoga was undoubtedly the super flexible yogis I had seen on Facebook and Instagram. All these beautiful people with their gorgeously insane twisty bodies just so effortlessly physically fit. Honestly....