200 hrs Indian Classical Yoga Teacher Training Course

Aankomstdatum: 12 April 2025
Einddatum: 10 May 2025
Cursusleider: Pinky More
Prijs: € 3250

Centre Lothlorien offers a Teacher Training Course in Yoga as it is taught in India.
This 200 hours TTC is according to the standards of ‘the Yoga Institute’ in Mumbai, India, the oldest organized yoga centre of the world. The course is for everyone who wants to start as a Teacher, gain a deeper knowledge of yoga or for personal development.
After completing this course you will not only know how the exercises are done but you will also learn why and when they are done. The focus goes to the ancient knowledge of how to live yoga in your daily life and create balance and happiness.

200 hours Yoga Teacher Training offered in English
Price € 3250,- per person

Stay in a shared room at the Chateau of Centre Lothlorien with use of public bathroom. Included are breakfast, lunch, dinner and tea breaks, fees for the complete course, study materials, Practical and Theory exam.
All meals are vegetarian.

Yoga from the Source
Centre Lothlorien is affiliated with ‘The Yoga Institute’ in Mumbai, India. The Yoga Institute is founded by Shri Yogendra who was taught Yoga by a Saddhu. The Saddhu’s are the original practisers of yoga. They devote their lives to reach illumination, but live solitary lives and keep their knowledge to themselves. Shri Yogendra is the first Yogi who started a family and brought the knowledge of yoga to the public. For 100 years the Yogendra family has shared their knowledge and Centre Lothlorien is the first to offer their study program in Europe. A team of teachers who all studied at ‘the Yoga Institute’, led by Pinky More from Mumbai, will come to Centre Lothlorien in France to teach you the essence of Yoga.

 Yoga as a Way of Life
For a month you will live with the team and teachers of Centre Lothlorien. You experience a daily natural rhythm and discover which food is optimal for your health. Yoga is practically a guide with handles on how to deal with situations that life brings us. Everything that is taught can be reflected on yourself. By integrating the experiences of this course into your own life you can overcome obstacles you might not even have been aware about and proceed to a happier life.

Content of the Teacher Training CourseThe course covers theoretical and practical aspects of Yoga.
The practical aspects include all prime Asana’s with background knowledge and how, why, when and when not to use them. Further you will learn about Pranayama, techniques leading  to meditation and Kriyas. Attention is given to  unique techniques & concepts pioneered by the founders of The Yoga Institute

The theoretical aspects include introductions to the origin of yoga and yoga texts such as Hatha Yoga Pradipika. You will go into depth with the psychology and philosophy of Yoga. With the help of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, among others, you will consciously look at your own way of thinking and learn how to live an easier, healthier and happier life. The course includes anatomy and physiology classes and approaches to modern day topics such as dealing with stress.

Pinky More

The Training Course is offered by a team of Teachers coming from ‘The Yoga Institute’, lead by Pinky More. Pinky More is born in India. Here she has completed an advanced teachers training Program at The Yoga Institute in Mumbai, the Oldest Organized Yoga Center in the world. After a few years of working and traveling over the world she has settled down in the Netherlands to introduce Indian Classical Yoga, the traditional style of Yoga. In Kerala, India, Pinky has studied Ayurveda and started with Ayurvedic massages. Since 2012 Pinky organizes Yoga retreats at Centre Lothlorien in France. In 2019 she started the affiliation between Centre Lothlorien and ‘The Yoga Institute’. Currently, besides leading her own Teacher Training Courses in France she teaches in several other European countries and participates to Yoga programs in Ghana and India.


Cursussen op Centre Lothlorien worden in principe gegeven van maandagochtend tot en met vrijdag. Langer blijven of eerder komen is mogelijk. De dag van aankomst voor een cursusweek is zondag, de dag van vertrek zaterdag.

Verblijfskosten zijn afhankelijk van hoe je wil verblijven. Tweepersoonskamer volpension vanaf €390,- per cursusweek (6 nachten) p.p.